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CityKids Help Center

  • Which league is the SB Travel Program Participating in?
    We are entering the BAYS League. You can find out more information here.
  • What is the Season Format and Schedule?
    The season takes on two separate schedules. A fall schedule beginning in September and concluding in November and the Spring Schedule beginning in April with the season concluding in June. Each Season consists of a weekly weekend game, the time and schedule of which is released by the BAYS league several weeks prior to the beginning of September. Each team will practice a minimum of once per week at Evans Field.
  • What Teams are being considered for the Fall 2024 League?
    We are currently planning on entering 4 Girls teams and 4 Boys teams. Each team is designated by age as defined by the Grade being entered by each player in the fall of 2024. All Teams are restricted to One grade except for 7th and 8th Grade which is made up of the combined school years. 
 4 Girls teams starting with Grade 3. 4 Boys teams starting with Grade 3. *(Grades & & 8 are combined as one team)
  • When are Tryouts for the Teams?
    The tryout schedule for all teams will be released within the next few weeks and will be held at Evans Field.
  • What is the Estimated Cost of the Program?
    We are currently considering a Total Season Cost of $250. This will include the following:
 Mass Youth Soccer Association registration. Participation in Fall and Spring Leagues. Game Uniforms (Shirt, shorts, socks). 1-2 Evening Practices per week @ Evans Field. Tryouts.
  • Where are home and away games played.
    We are currently considering 4 locations, all of which are within 1 mile of South Boston. Away Games are played at the fields of those teams participating in each age cohorts league. While we are not 100% sure, its a safe assumption at this stage that the travel geography is within 30 miles of South Boston.
  • Are there uniform and equipment purchasing requirements for players?
    Each player will receive A Game Shirt, Shorts and socks that are included with their contract. We will offer optional training items and team garments and equipment for purchase. (T-shirts, Sweatpants, Balls etc)
  • What do i do if i have other Questions?
    Simply fill out the form below and we will do our best to respond promptly.
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